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  Problem kya hai?
The first step to wriggling out of a crisis, is to identify key problem areas. Try pinpointing yours...
Are the policies and protocols holding back great ideas? Be proactive. Talk it up with the boss.
Is it your inability to manage the work-life balance? Talk to your partner, friends, and family. Have your responsibilities revised, both, at home and at work.
Too much on your platter? Delegate.
Feel like you are stuck at the wrong place? Chalk a career chart and get a job change.
Think your creativity is wearing off? Take up a hobby. Start blogging if you are good at expressing yourself. Pay attention to things and people you love, to rekindle the inner spark.
Do you sense that your organisation doesn't really need you? Add value, contribute in unexpected ways, and see the change in attitude towards you.
No recognition? Talk about yourself as proudly as you would about your partner, child or anyone you love.
  A point for parents
A winning attitude can be inculcated in your child, and this can make all the difference. Raksha Bharadia, author of Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul, explains it with an example: "Parents can try and put the child in the 'I can do' mode quickly, before the child has had the space to evict negative emotions.
  Discipline chahiye !
A Harvard Business School study decodes what sets the crème de la crème apart:
Leaders have the predisposition and capacity to hold in their heads two opposing ideas, at once. And then, without panicking or simply settling for one alternative or the other, they are able to creatively resolve the tension between those two ideas by generating a new one that contains elements of the others, but is superior to both.
This process of conside-ration and synthesis can be termed integrative thinking.
  Follow The Secret
A simple way to hoodwink failure is to believe in the universal secret that suggests, you attract all that you think and imagine. Superstition shunners should note that this principle is scientifically backed by the universal Law of Attraction. So, think like a billionaire it actually holds the power to make you one!
  How hypnotherapy can help
If you've always been the underdog, and all efforts seem futile, there's hypnotherapy to the rescue! Dr Blossom Furtado, Clinical hypno-therapist who heads the Delhi branch of the California Hypnosis Institute, explains the process. "We often have faulty assumptions about our self. The subconscious stores the entire database that feeds the conscious self. If the information you download internally is negative, you feel like a deadbeat. Hypnotherapy makes you go through a cognitive session in which we can identify where and when, and what causes theses thoughts. Then, that bit is reframed and affirmative thoughts are reinforced. You just need to be determined."
Cost: Rs 300 to Rs 1,000, depending on how acute the condition is
  Reading these can help
If you enjoy reading, we suggest you keep one of these inspiring titles by your bedside. These are popular books available at any major bookstore.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Winning Every Day by Lou Holtz
See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar
Think Like A Winner by Walter Doyle Staples
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